



smallpic002.gif  HAWAII TENTH DAY 2013/11/03smallpic002.gif

 ▲合影於他們家後院,下面是媽媽,上面是帥哥兒子MATTY Schweitzer也是世界級的衝浪好手,目前也致力於在海上水上攝影,他可世界巡迴賽事官方攝影師之一喔!他弟弟ZANE Schweitzer是世界級專業衝浪2011年風帆比賽冠軍阿,全家都共同經營並致力於海上運動相關活動喔!有機會到茂宜可以去找他們喔!人都超親切超NICE的,想要在茂宜體驗任何海上活動或是在茂宜島做些冒險活動,他們都會提供很好的服務跟意見喔!而且找他們體驗教學,你可是有機會被世界級冠軍指導喔!

Photo on their backyard, here is his mother, son MATTY Schweitzer guy above is also a world-class surfers, is also dedicated to photography in the sea water, he may one of the official photographers World Tour Oh! His brother ZANE Schweitzer is a world-class professional surfing windsurfing champion A 2011, the family business and is committed to the common sports-related activities at sea Oh! Maui may have the opportunity to go to them Oh! People are super super NICE cordial, and want to experience Maui Seaside or doing any adventure activities in Maui, they will provide good service with views of Oh! And find them teaching experience, but you have the opportunity to be a world-class champion guidance !

Schweitzer Sports Maui 臉書專頁

Schweitzer Sport 官網

他們提供各種各樣的水上運動經驗教學和服務,其中包括:私人和集團衝浪,風帆衝浪,立槳衝浪教學 - 水上運動的經驗教訓頁面•茂宜島相關探險指導

 They offer a wide variety of water sports experience teaching and services, including: private and group surfing, windsurfing, Standup paddleboarding teaching - water sports lessons relevant pages • Maui adventure guide

這天是個風和日麗晴朗無比的豔陽天,前一晚過完熱鬧的生日派對,又哀愁送走同行四位友人先行離開夏威夷回台灣,剩下的8位友人們,我們開始走超悠哉漫步調的夏威夷行程,剩下的日子當然就是海攤,比基尼,日光浴,美食,購物瞜!充足的甜美睡眠,開啟悠哉的第一天,一行人我們要前往Launiupoko Beach Park衝浪勝地去玩水瞜!要玩水當然要去借衝浪板瞜!咱們的領隊,不知怎麼google的,要去衝浪店借板居然google到老闆的家裡,但也是意外的小驚喜,老闆也覺得驚訝不可思議我們怎麼會去跑到他們家,但也靠著這樣的意外,我們借到的板子可不是店面出租的一般板,可是老闆他們自己再使用專業級版本的喔!並且還比較優惠我們租板的費用~賺到!!哈哈,還意外的插曲參觀了夏威夷當地的House,真是感到驚喜萬分好棒阿~跳耀中~

This day was very sunny sunny sunny, the night before had finished lively birthday party, but also sadness away first to leave Hawaii counterparts four friends back to Taiwan, leaving eight people friends, we started to go over leisurely stroll tune Hawaii trip, of course, the rest of the day is the sea stalls, bikini, sunbathing, dining, shopping Lou! Plenty of sweet sleep, opened the first day of leisurely, a pedestrian Launiupoko Beach Park we want to go surfing water Lou play! To play in the water course, going to borrow a surfboard Lou! Our leader, I do not know how google, and go through the board actually surf shop owner google to home, but also the unexpected little surprise, the boss will be surprised how incredible we went to their house, but also against such an accident we borrowed the board is not generally board rental store, but the owner re-use their own professional-grade version of ! ! Haha, but also unexpected visit Hawaii episode of House, really am surprised Terrific




Launiupoko在國道旁它為遊客提供了一個美麗的綠色草地公園環境完全與野餐桌和燒烤台,也有一個小沙灘,進入短暫游泳和水上活動。也是一個美妙衝浪景點,在夏季是通常形成擁有很好一致突破的追浪衝浪場所位置。Launiupoko Beach的海底下地形,多為石頭礁岩多,所以下水時可以多注意安全,再衝浪玩水時要多注意保護自己的頭部及身體,以免受傷

Launiupoko on the road it offers visitors a beautiful green meadow park environment complete with picnic tables and barbecue station, there is a small sandy beach, go swimming and water activities short. Surfing is a wonderful attraction in the summer is generally consistent with the formation of a breakthrough has good surf waves chase position. Launiupoko Beach under the seabed topography, mostly stone reef and more, so you can pay more attention to safety when the water, then splashing pay more attention when surfing to protect their head and body to avoid injury



▲給攜拿好,整裝出發,綁板的板繩店家也是會提供的喔!偷偷告訴大家,老闆的店其實就在Launiupoko Beach Park附近,非常不遠的不遠處,應該是一分鐘或是三分鐘以內車程就到瞜!


▲美麗的Launiupoko Beach Park,在夏威夷到處看真的都是美不勝收,感覺都是奇景,還是我們是鄉巴佬!哈!

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▲女孩們享受著愜意的午後,吹吹海風聽聽海浪,聽聽音樂看看書曬曬太陽,這樣般簡單就無比的幸福,幸福與美好靠著心境去體會,能夠完全放鬆感受所有的感受多可貴呀!女孩們歇息完,當然也不忘要去血拼呀!我們開車直奔Lahaina小鎮,Lahaina小鎮離Launiupoko Beach Park不遠都是直直一條馬路就通,大約七分鐘的車程就到了

Girls enjoying pleasant afternoon sea breeze blow listen to the waves, read a book in the sun listening to music, such as extremely simple to happiness, happiness and a better state of mind to rely on experience, be able to feel completely relaxed all the more valuable experience Yeah! After the girls rest, of course, do not forget to go shopping ah! We drove straight to the town of Lahaina, Lahaina town not far from Launiupoko Beach Park is a straight road to pass, about seven minutes' drive on to the

Lahaina不外乎有特色小店,很多紀念品當地MAUI特有的東西可以購買,像MAUI自產的一些乳液肥皂呀!可真的都是MADE IN MAUI 喔!還有這是衝浪勝地,當然一堆衝浪品牌的衣物,不過到了MAUI 你想購買各大衝浪品牌上印有MAUI字樣的衣服,看到有喜歡可是不要猶豫下手就對了,不好意思因為當你離開MAUI 你想買任何有關MAUI 的東西全部買不到,跟日本一樣都走限定路線,所以女孩們大家都各自添購了專屬有MAUI的衣服瞜! 

Lahaina nothing more unique shops, many local souvenirs can be purchased MAUI something unique, like some lotion soap production MAUI Yeah! Can really are MADE IN MAUI Oh! And this is a surf resort, of course, a bunch of surf brand clothing, but to the MAUI MAUI you want to buy printed words on the major surf brands of clothes, but do not hesitate to see a favorite to start on the right, because when you're sorry Do you want to leave anything related MAUI MAUI all buy, like Japan with limited routes are gone, so the girls everyone has their own exclusive purchase the clothes MAUI


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Of course, when we boys man at sea, play in the water play can be happy miles! The boys were impressed at sea on the beach to go to the red, the eyes full of spectacular scenery, stands tall mountains endless stretches of blue sky Hawaii's unique scenery, this life comes to a visit here and surf in this scene has no grudge, no matter there is no light in the sea waves washed with the same beauty in felt so cool earthshaking, boys have complained, not looking at Taiwan surf hut pier dyke or is parasol

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最後獻上咱們EVAN領隊在Launiupoko Beach Park 玩SUP的英姿瞜!


In this day in pleasant ride, though not full itinerary, but we all feel their journey with their pace, feel the beauty of Hawaii, because on this day we all love the Maui!


Finally, we offer EVAN leader in Launiupoko Beach Park play SUP heroic Lou!




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